Civil engineering is a very vast field. It can be classified into:

1. Surveying

2. Construction engineering

3. Structural engineering

4. Earthquake engineering

5. Geotechnical and foundation engineering

6. Quantity surveying

7. Fluid mechanics

8. Irrigation engineering

9. Transportation engineering

10. Environmental engineering

11. Town planning

12. Infrastructural development

13. Project management

14. Remote sensing

Scope of each of these is presented in this article.

Types of civil engineering
Types of civil engineering


Surveying is the science of map making. To start any development activity, the relative positions of various objects in the area with respect to horizontal and vertical axes through a reference point is required. This is achieved by surveying the area. Earlier, the conventional instruments like chain, tape and levelling instruments were used. In this electronic era, modern electronic equipment like electronic distance meters (EDM) and total stations are used, to get more accurate results easily Preparing topo maps of talukas, districts, states and countries and showing all important features like rivers, hills, forests, lakes, towns and cities in plan and elevation (by contour lines) also forms part of surveying. When maps of large areas are to be made corrections for earth curvature are to be made for all measurements. Such survey is called geodetic surveying also.


Construction is the major activity of civil engineering. Hence civil engineer must know properties and uses of basic materials of construction like stone, bricks, tiles, cement, sand, jelly, steel, glass glazed tiles, plaster of paris, paints and varnishes. Behavior of reinforced cement concrete (R.C.C.) and prestressed concrete should be understood properly. Improved versions of many flooring materials, bath room fittings keep on appearing in the market. Construction engineer should study their advantages, disadvantages and cost effectiveness.Construction technology should keep pace with the need of modern trend. In cities building tall structures in shortest possible period is the requirement while in rural areas and poor need the low cost housing technology. Construction engineer should know quantity of materials and man power requirement. He has to plan and execute the work in proper sequence without wasting man power, material and time of construction equipment.


Load acting any structure is ultimately transferred to ground. In doing so, various components of the structure are subjected to internal stresses. For example, in a building, load acting on a slab is transferred by slab to ground through structural components like beams, columns and footings.Assessing various types of internal stresses in the components of a structure is known as structural analysis and finding suitable size of the structural component is known as structural design. The structures to be designed may be of masonry, R.C.C., prestressed concrete or of steel. Structural engineering involves analysis of various structures like buildings, water tanks, chimneys, bridges etc. and designing them using suitable materials like masonry, R.C.C., prestressed concrete or steel. A structural engineer has not only to give a safe structure but he has to give economical structure. To get economical sections, mathematical optimization techniques are to be used.


About 50 years ago it was thought, in India, only north-east region and some parts of north India are earthquake prone areas. But Koyna earthquake, Latur earthquake and Gujarat earthquake have brought lot of changes in earthquake engineering. India’s map of earthquake zones showing intensity of earthquake forces to be considered in different parts of the country has been redrawn.Behavior of the structures to earthquake forces is dealt in earthquake engineering. Design of earthquake resistant structure is attracting lot of research. Studying magnitude, behavior of structures and designing the structure for earthquake forces constitute earthquake engineering branch of civil engineering.


Soil property changes from place to place. Even in the same place if may not be uniform at various depth. The soil property may vary from season to season due to varying moisture content. The loads from all structures are to be safely transferred to soil. Hence, safe bearing capacity of the soil is to be properly assessed.Apart from finding safe bearing capacity for the foundations of building, geotechnical engineering involves various studies required for the design of pavements, tunnels, earthen dams,canals and earth retaining structures. It involves study of ground improvement techniques also.Since stability of every structure depends on how safely load is transferred to ground, this branch of civil engineering is very important.


This is the branch of civil engineering which deals with estimating the quantity of various materials required for a project work. For example in a building project the quantity of earth work in foundations, quantity of stones required for the foundation, quantity of bricks, cement, jelly, sand and steel requirements are to be assessed for various stages of construction. Estimated cost of the work depends upon the quantity of various materials required. At the planning stage itself one should have the idea of requirement of construction materials so that estimated cost is known.Main criteria for selecting any project is its estimated cost. Hence quantity surveying is an important branch in civil engineering.How to make deduction for quantity of plastering for various types of openings in the wall,calculating area of painting for various types of doors and windows etc. also form important calculating area of painting for various types of doors and windows etc. also form important aspect of quantity surveying.Labour requirement for various activities of construction also forms part of quantity surveying.


Water is an important fluid required for all living beings. For the design and construction of hydraulic structure study of mechanics of water and its flow characteristics is very much essential.This is important field in civil engineering and it is known as fluid mechanics/hydraulics; fluid mechanics being the general term applicable to all type of fluids.


Water is to be supplied to agricultural field. Hence suitable water resources are to be identified and water retaining structures are to be built. Identifying, planning and building water retaining structures like tanks and dams and carrying stored water to fields is known as water resources and irrigation engineering. Constructing canals, distributories aqueducts and regulators form part of irrigation engineering.


Another important amenity that public requires is good roads. Design of good road involves the design of base courses, surface finishes, cross drainage works, road intersections, culverts, bridges and tunnels. Roads need suitable design of horizontal and vertical curves also. Railway is another important long way transport facility. Design construction and maintenance of railway lines and signal systems are part of transportation engineering. Design, construction and maintenance of harbors and airports are also the need of globalization era. For proper planning of these transport facilities traffic survey is to be carried out. All these activities constitute the transportation engineering.


Supplying potable water to rural areas, towns and cities and disposal of waste water and solid waste is another field of civil engineering. Solid waste management and disposal of electronic waste systematically is the need for maintaining good environment. Study of sources, causes,effects and remedial measures associated with air pollution, water pollution, land pollution and noise pollution forms environmental engineering branch of civil engineering.


New towns and cities and extension areas of existing cities are to be planned properly so that suitable communication system, educational facilities medical facilities, shopping centers are provided along with residential areas. Growing industrialization of country has brought importance to ‘Town Planning’ aspect of civil engineering.


Importance of an interdisciplinary approach to total infrastructural development is necessary.Any new area developed should have proper approach roads, electricity and water supply,telecommunication facility. Proximity of primary schools, high schools, health care and market facility should be provided. Civil engineers have to work with other organisation and government agencies for suitable infrastructure developments for the new as well as existing localities of the towns and cities.


Planning, scheduling and management forms the basis for taking up a project.


Planning is the decision-making process about What, Where, Who and How (WWWH) to start a project work.

What: An individual or a group of enterprising people or a government/public sector agency plan to start a project. They form a group of high level managers. They identify goals,form the objective and identify the opportunities of the project. This type of planning is called as strategic planning.

Where: The next step the strategic planners takes is where to start the project work.

Who: The strategic planners identifying the middle level and operational level managers to carry out the task. The middle level management deals with financial management and coordinates with the operational planners and strategic planners.

How: The operational planners have to work at minute details of the work assigned, find the requirement of machinery and work force and plan day to day activities. They should be ready with alternative plans, if uncertainties creep in at any stage.The planning is key to success of a project. If the planning is good and work is executed as per plan.


Scheduling is the process of dividing the project into various stages, various events and identifying time, machinery and human resources required for each event. For example, the construction of a building may be divided into the following stages:

1. Mobilizing

2. Laying foundation

3. Building superstructure

4. Finishing.

Laying the foundation may be divided into the following events:

1. Digging

2. Laying bed concrete

3. Constructing stone masonry for foundation

4. Providing coping concrete

5. Pointing the joints and

6. Filling the trenches

Like this all other stages involve a number of events. For each event, scheduled date of commencement and completion are to be fixed. Material, equipment and human resources requirement should be identified. For this bar chart or network representation of events is done.Critical activities are identified, the delay of which will delay the entire project. All efforts are concentrated to execute these events as per schedule.Scheduling is necessary for the successful implementation of the project.

Construction Management

Management is the science and art of planning, organizing, staffing, scheduling and executing the work. Achieving coordination among various people involved in the work is art of management.A manager not only directs his subordinates but motivates them to do the work. Communication skill and leadership qualities are to be developed for good construction management.Planning, scheduling and construction management constitute project management branch of civil engineering.


Remote sensing is science and art of acquiring information about an object without physical contact with it. Though human sights and photographs are common examples of remote sensing,in civil engineering we restrict its meaning to sensing of the objects on the earth from satellites using electromagnetic energy. Most of the remote sensing methods make use of the reflected microwaves, infrared rays and visible light waves in the electromagnetic spectrum. When the electromagnetic waves sent from satellites strike the earth surface, its characters change due to transmission, absorption, emission, scattering and reflection. Since each feature on the earth has different characters, it is possible to identify the feature on the earth with satellite pictures.Remote sensing is mostly qualitative in nature. Data obtained from satellite is to be analysed by user and correctly identify the objects. This is called image processing. India has its own remote sensing satellites such as INSAT series, PSLV series etc.