As we know Bar bending schedule
for footing provides us information on
Diameter of Both bars in X
direction and Y direction are 12
Clear cover of the footing is 50
C/C center to center spacing of steel rods is 150
detail for bar
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BBS For Footing |
step-1 in this step we will calculate the effective length of steel rod in x-direction and y-direction using the given formula
Effective length = Total length – both sides covers
Effective length along X
direction = 2500 – (2 x 50) = 2400
Effective length along Y direction = 1500 – (2 x 50) = 1400 Mm
Calculate numbers of bars by using
No of bars = ( Effective length / spacing ) + 1
Use Spanning of steel rod as
mentioned above.
No. of bars along (X) direction =
(1400/150) + 1 = 10 nos.
No. of bars along (Y) direction = (2400/150) + 1 =
17 nos.
Calculate Cutting length of Steel
Cutting length of bar along (X) direction:
(Effective length + bends) – bend deductions
[2400 + 2(300 – 50 – 50)] – (2 x 2 x 2) = 2792 mm or 2.792m
Cutting length of bar along (Y) direction:
(Effective length + bends) – bend deductions
[1400 + 2(300 – 50 – 50)] – (2 x 2 x 2) = 1752 mm or 1.75 meter.
Bend deduction is calculated as given Below
Deduction of the length of bars due to bending at a different angle:
45 Degree = 1d
Deduction of the length of bars
due to bending at a different
45 Degree = 1d
Calculate total length of steel
Along (X) direction = No. of bars
x Length of one bars = 2.792
Along (Y) direction = No. of bars
x Length of one bars = 1.75
5 Calculate the unit weight of
Total Weight of steel = Unit
weight x Total Length of steel
Add 5% of wastage of steel to get actual total weight of steel bars
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