Bar bending schedule for footing

As we know Bar bending schedule for footing provides us information on the total quantity of steel rods, length of steel rods required and Cutting length of a steel rod at the site. So in this article we will see how we can do it.Here we can see below the reinforcement detail of an isolated footing. The total length and width of a column are 2500 mm  and 1500 mm respectively. The height of footing is 300 mm.Now let us calculate bar bending schedule for footing step by step.


Diameter of Both bars in X direction and Y direction are 12mm.

Clear cover of the footing is 50 mm.

C/C center to center spacing of steel rods is 150 mm.

Reinforcement detail for bar bending schedule for footing

Bar bending schedule for footing
BBS For Footing

step-1 in this step we will calculate the effective length of steel rod in x-direction and y-direction using the given formula

Effective length = Total length – both sides covers


Effective length along X direction = 2500 – (2 x 50) = 2400 Mm

Effective length along Y direction = 1500 – (2 x 50) = 1400 Mm

Step-2 Calculate numbers of bars by using formula given below.

No of bars = ( Effective length / spacing ) + 1

Use Spanning of steel rod as mentioned above.

No. of bars along (X) direction = (1400/150) + 1 = 10 nos.

No. of bars along (Y) direction = (2400/150) + 1 = 17 nos.

Step-3 Calculate Cutting length of Steel Bars using formula below

Cutting length of bar along (X) direction:

(Effective length + bends) – bend deductions

[2400 + 2(300 – 50 – 50)] – (2 x 2 x 2) = 2792 mm or 2.792m

Cutting length of bar along (Y) direction:

(Effective length + bends) – bend deductions

[1400 + 2(300 – 50 – 50)] – (2 x 2 x 2) = 1752 mm or 1.75 meter.

Bend deduction is calculated as given Below

 Deduction of the length of bars due to bending at a different angle:

45 Degree = 1d

Deduction of the length of bars due to bending at a different angle:

45 Degree = 1d

Step-4 Calculate total length of steel Rods

Along (X) direction = No. of bars x Length of one bars = 2.792x 10 = 27.92 meter

Along (Y) direction = No. of bars x Length of one bars = 1.75x 17 = 29.75 meter

Step- 5 Calculate the unit weight of steel rod using formula

Total Weight of steel = Unit weight x Total Length of steel rod.

Add 5% of wastage of steel to get actual total weight of steel bars

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