Creep is defined as the
longitudinal movement of the rail with respect to the sleepers.Rails have a tendency to
gradually move in the direction of dominant traffic. Creep is common to all railway tracks,
but its magnitude varies considerably from place to place; the rail may move by
several centimetres in a month at few places, while at other locations the movement may be almost
Theories for the Development of Creep
Various theories have been put
forward to explain the phenomenon of creep and its causes, but none of them have
proved to be satisfactory. The important theories are briefly discussed in the following Article.
Wave Motion Theory
According to wave motion theory,
wave motion is set up in the resilient track because of moving loads, causing
a deflection in the rail under the load. The portion of the rail immediately under the
wheel gets slightly depressed due to the wheel load. Therefore, the rails
generally have a wavy formation. As the wheels of the train move forward, the
depressions also move with them and the previously depressed portion springs back to
the original level. This wave motion tends to move the rail forward with the
train. The ironing effect of the moving wheels on the wave formed in the rail
causes a longitudinal movement of the rail in the direction of traffic resulting in the creep of the rail.
Percussion Theory
According to percussion theory,
creep is developed due to the impact of wheels at the rail end ahead of a joint. As
the wheels of the moving train leave the trailing rail at the joint, the rail gets
pushed, forward causing it to move longitudinally in the direction of traffic, and
that is how creep develops. Though the impact of a single wheel may be nominal, the
continuous movement of several of wheels passing over the joint pushes the facing or landing rail
forward, thereby causing creep.
Creep motion |
Drag Theory
According to drag theory, the
backward thrust of the driving wheels of a locomotive has the tendency to push the rail
backwards, while the thrust of the other wheels of the locomotive pushes the rail in
the direction in which the locomotive is moving.This results in the longitudinal
movement of the rail in the direction of traffic,thereby causing creep.
Causes of Creep
The main factors responsible for
the development of creep are as follows.
Ironing effect
of the wheel The
ironing effect of moving wheels on the waves formed in the rail tends to cause
the rail to move in the direction of traffic, resulting in creep.
Starting and
stopping operations When
a train starts or accelerates, the backward thrust of its wheels tends to
push the rail backwards. Similarly, when the train slows down or comes to a halt,
the effect of the applied brakes tends to push the rail forward. This in turn causes creep in one
direction or the other.
Changes in
temperature Creep
can also develop due to variations in temperature resulting in the expansion and
contraction of the rail. Creep occurs frequently during hot weather conditions.
traffic In
a double-line section, trains move only in one direction,i.e., each track is
unidirectional. Creep, therefore, develops in the direction of traffic.In a single-line section, even
though traffic moves in both directions, the volume of the traffic in each direction
is normally variable. Creep, therefore, develops in the direction of predominant
Poor maintenance
of track Some
minor factors, mostly relating to the poor maintenance of the track, also
contribute to the development of creep. These are as follows.
(a) Improper securing of rails to
(b) Limited quantities of ballast
resulting in inadequate ballast resistance to the
movement of sleepers
(c) Improper expansion gaps
(d) Badly maintained rail joints
(e) Rail seat wear in metal
sleeper track
(f) Rails too light for the
traffic carried on them
(g) Yielding formations that
result in uneven cross levels
(h) Other miscellaneous factors
such as lack of drainage, and loose packing,uneven spacing of sleepers.
Effects of Creep
The following are the common
effects of creep.
Sleepers out of
square The
sleepers move out of their position as a result of the track, which finally results
in unpleasant rides.
Disturbance in
gaps get disturbed Due
to creep, the expansion gaps widen at some places and close at others.
This results in the joints getting jammed. Undue stresses are created in the fish
plates and bolts, which affects the smooth working of the switch expansion joints in
the case of long welded rails.
Distortion of
points and crossings Due
to excessive creep, it becomes difficult to maintain the correct gauge and
alignment of the rails at points and crossings.
Difficulty in
changing rails If,
due to operational reasons, it is required that the rail be changed, the same becomes
difficult as the new rail is found to be either too short or too long because of
Effect on
interlocking The
interlocking mechanism of the points and crossings gets disturbed by creep.
buckling of track If
the creep is excessive and there is negligence in the maintenance of the track, the
possibility of buckling of the track cannot be ruled out.
Other effects There are other
miscellaneous effects of creep such as breaking of bolts and kinks in the alignment, which occur in
various situations.
Measurement of Creep
Creep can be measured with the
help of a device called creep indicator. It consists of two creep posts, which are
generally rail pieces that are driven at 1-km intervals on either side of the track. For
the purpose of easy measurement, their top level is generally at the same level as
the rail. Using a chisel, a mark is made at the side of the bottom flange of the rail on
either side of the track. A fishing string is then stretched between the two creep
posts and the distance between the chisel mark and the string is taken as the
amount of creep.According to the prescribed
stipulations, creep should be measured at intervals of about three months and noted
in a prescribed register, which is to be maintained by the the permanent way
inspector (PWI). Creep in excess of 150 mm (6 in.) should not be permitted on any
track and not more than six consecutive rails should be found jammed in a single-rail
track at one location. There should be no creep in approaches to points and crossings.
Adjustment of Creep
When creep is in excess of 150 mm
resulting in maintenance problems, the same should be adjusted by pulling the
rails back. This work is carried out after the required engineering signals have
been put up and the necessary caution orders given. The various steps involved
in the adjustment of creep are follows.
1. A careful survey of the
expansion gaps and of the present position of rail joints is carried out.
2. The total creep that has been
proposed to be adjusted and the correct expansion gap that is to be kept
are decided in advance.
3. The fish plates at one end are
loosened and those at the other end are removed.Sleeper fittings, i.e., spikes or
keys, are also loosened or removed.
4. The rails are then pulled back
one by one with the help of a rope attached to a hook. The pulling back should
be regulated in such a way that the rail joints remain central and
suspended on the joint sleepers.
5. The pulling back of rails is a
slow process since only one rail is dealt with at a time and can be done only for
short isolated lengths of a track. Normally,about 40–50 men are required per
kilometre for adjusting creep.
6. When creep is required to be
adjusted for longer lengths, five rail lengths are tackled at a time. The
procedure is almost the same as the preceding steps except that instead of
pulling the rails with a rope, a blow is given to them using a cut rail piece of a length of about 5
Creep Adjuster
A creep adjuster is normally used
when extensive work is involved. The creep adjuster is set at the centre of
the length of the track, to be tackled, with the wide joints behind it and the jammed joints ahead of it.
The following steps are adopted.
1. Expansion liners of the
correct size are put in all the expansion gaps.
2. All the keys on this side of
the creep adjuster are removed and all fish bolts loosened.
3. The creep adjuster is then
used to close up the gaps to the required extent by pushing the rails forward. A gap
of a few inches is left behind between the rail ends opposite the adjuster.
4. The corrected rails are then
fastened with keys. After that, the rails on the other side of the adjuster are
5. The operation leaves some of
the expansion gaps too wide which are tackled by the creep adjuster when it is
set in the next position.
6. The corrected rails are then
fastened and the adjuster is shifted to the new position.
7. The whole process is repeated
again and again till the requisite attention has been paid to the entire length of
the rail. In the end it may be necessary to use a rail with the correct size of closure (bigger or smaller) to complete the work.
Portions of Track Susceptible to Creep
The following locations of a
track are normally more susceptible to creep.
(a) The point where a steel
sleeper track or CST-9 sleeper track meets a wooden sleeper track
(b) Dips in stretches with long
(c) Approaches to major girder
bridges or other stable structures
(d) Approaches to level crossings and points and
Measures to Reduce Creep
To reduce creep in a track, it
should be ensured that the rails are held firmly to the sleepers and that adequate
ballast resistance is available. All spikes, screws, and keys should be driven home. The
toe load of fastenings should always be slightly more than the ballast resistance.
Creep anchors can effectively reduce the creep in a track. At least eight of these
must be provided per panel. Out of the large number of creep anchors tried on Indian Railways,
the ‘fair T’ and ‘fair V’ anchors, have been standardized for use. The
fair ‘V’ anchor, which is more popular, The creep anchor should fit snugly against the
sleeper for it to be fully effective. The following measures
are also helpful in reducing creep.
(a) The track should be well
maintained—sleepers should be properly packed and the crib and shoulder ballast
should be well compacted.
(b) A careful lookout should be
kept for jammed joints that exist in series. In the case of a fish-plated track, more
than six consecutive continuously jammed joints should not be permitted.
In the case of SWR tracks, more than two consecutive jammed joints should
not be permitted at rail temperatures lower than the maximum daily
temperature (tm) in the case of zones I and II and lower than (tm – 5°C) in the case
of zones III and IV. Regular adjustment may be necessitated on girder bridges.
(c) Anticreep bearing plates
should be provided on wooden sleepers to arrest creep, but joints sleepers should
have standard canted bearing plates with rail screws.
Fair v Anchor |
Creep is the longitudinal
movement of rails with respect to sleepers. It is common in all tracks and is a severe
type of track defect. In servere cases, it can result in the buckling of the track and can
eventually derail the train. Therefore, it is very important to attend to creep
immediately after it has been detected. Certain preventive measures can be taken
to reduce creep, but it cannot be eliminated completely.
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