Brick work calculation in cubic meter

Before doing any type of brick work quantity should be are some basic steps for taking out brick work quantity in details.After knowing the 1 meter cube volume we can calculate the remaining quantity very easily by just multiplying 1 meter cube result of the desired volume.

Before start of calculation some basic data should be known:

1) The width of the wall which are going to built

2) Number of openings in wall like ( Doors , windows)

3) Size of brick or which type of bricks are going to use 

Let's take an Example o understand well

Example :-

Let's assume we have to construct the wall having a length 1m, width 1m and height 1m. the size of brick is going to use is 190mm x 90mm and mortar thickeness is 10mm with mortar ratio 1:4 so :

Brick work calculation in cubic meter
1 Cum

1) Calculate the number of bricks 

2) Quantity of Cement 

3) Quantity of sand

This calculation can take in to two steps:

1) Brick calculation

2) Mortar Calculation

As we have volume of brick is = ( 1 x 1 x 1 ) = 1 cube

Step - 1

Volume of 1 brick = 0.19m x 0.09m x 0.09m = 0.001539 meter cube

volume of 1 brick with mortar = 0.2m x 0.1m x 0.01m = 0.002 meter cube 

Numbers of bricks in 1 cum = Total volume / volume of bricks with mortar 

                                             = ( 1/0.002) = 500 nos of bricks

Step -2 Mortar calculation

Volume covered by 500 bricks in 1 cum 

= ( Bricks number x volume of 1 brick ) 

= 500 x 0.001539 

= 0.769 cube meter

Mortar Volume 

= ( 1 - 0.769 ) 

= 0.23 meter cube ( wet volume )

Dry Volume 

= 0.23 x 1.33 

= 0.3 meter cube ( Dry volume ) 

Note :- 1.33 is a constant


= ( Dry volume x ratio x density of cement ) / ( sum of ratio )

= ( 0.3 x 1 x 1440 ) / 5

= 86.4 kgs / 50

= 1.72 bags


= ( Dry volume x ratio x 35.28 ) / ( sum of ratio )

= ( 0.3 x 5 x 35.28 ) / 5

= 10.58 cubic ft.


Brick = 500 nos

Cement = 1.72 bags 

Sand = 10.58 cubic ft.

Note :- These ratio may change by changing the dimension of the mortar thickness or size of the bricks as well as the mortar ratio 1:4 , 1:6 etc.

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