Specific gravity of
an aggregate is defined as the ratio of the mass of solid in a given volume of sample to the mass
of equal volume of water at 4𝑜𝑜 𝐶𝐶. However, all rocks
contain some small amount of void
and the apparent specific gravity includes this voids. The specific gravity of aggregates
is an indirect measure of material’s density and its quality. A low specific gravity may
indicate high porosity and therefore poor durability and low strength.
Some of the pores
contained by aggregates are permeable while others are impermeable.Accordingly, two
types of specific gravity are defined absolute specific gravity and apparent specific
gravity. If both the permeable and impermeable voids are excluded to determine the true
volume of solids, the specific gravity is called true or absolute specific gravity of the
aggregate. But true specific gravity has not much of practical use as volume of impermeable internal
pores is too difficult to determine.In contrast, for the
determination of apparent specific gravity the impermeable internal pore is added to the
effective volume of the aggregates (does not include the permeable pores).
Specific Gravity = ( mass of aggregate / mass of water occupying the volume equal
to that of solids of aggregate excluding
permeable pores )
pycnometer |
The apparent specific
gravity is realistic one to use for concrete mix proportioning. The apparent specific
gravity of most rocks lie between 2.6 to 2.7. Apparent specific gravity can be determined on the
basis of surface dry condition (SSD) or oven dry condition (OD),according to the
moisture condition of the aggregate.In saturated surface
dry (SSD) situation, the pores of the aggregate are fully filled with water and the surface
is dry. This condition can be obtained by immersing coarse aggregate in water for 24 h
followed by drying of the surface with a wet cloth. When the aggregate is under the SSD
condition, it will neither absorb water nor give out water during the mixing process. Hence, it is
a balanced condition and is used as the standard index for concrete mix design.In contrast, the oven
dry condition is obtained by keeping the aggregate in an oven at a temperature
of 110o 𝐶𝐶 for 24 hrs. Due to
heating, all the water from internal permeable pores gets evaporated
and hence it reaches a constant weight. When the aggregate is under OD
condition, it will absorb
water during the concrete mixing process until the internal pores are fully
filled with water.Similarly, water
absorption is also provides an idea about strength of aggregate.Aggregates having
more water absorption are more porous in nature and generally considered unsuitable. Usually,
water absorption of coarse aggregate is about 0.5% by weight whereas water absorption of
fine aggregate is about 2.0% by weight. Moreover, water absorption values are used to
calculate the change in the weight of the aggregate while proportioning and mixing of concrete. Extra water is added
to cater the need of water absorption
Objective: To determine
specific gravity and water absorption of fine aggregate.
Reference: IS: 2386
Apparatus: Pycnometer,
1000-ml measuring cylinder, thermostatically controlled oven,taping rod, filter papers and
Material: Fine
aggregates (500 g)
1. Place 500 g of fine aggregate
in a tray and cover it with distilled water at a temperature of 22 to 32°C. Remove
air entrapped in or bubbles on the surface of the aggregate by gentle agitation
with a rod. Keep the sample immersed under water for 24 Hrs.
2. Carefully drain the water from
the sample, by decantation through a filter paper. Air dry the aggregate and solid
matter retained on the filter paper, to remove the surface moisture. When the
material just attains a “free-running” condition,weight the saturated and
surface-dry sample (A).
3. Place the aggregate in the
pycnometer and fill the remaining space by distilled water. Eliminate entrapped air by
rotating the pycnometer on its side, covering the hole in the apex of the cone
with a finger. Weight the pycnometer with this condition (B).
4. Empty the contents of the
pycnometer into a tray. Ensure that all the aggregate is transferred. Refill the
pycnometer with distilled water to the same level as before and measure the weight at this
condition (C).
5. Carefully drain the water from
the sample, by decantation through a filter paper.Oven-dry the aggregate in the
tray at a temperature of 100 to 110oC for 24 hrs.During this period, stir the
specimen occasionally to facilitate proper drying.Cool the aggregates calculate its
weight (D).
6. Calculate the specific
gravity, apparent specific gravity and the water absorption as follows:
Specific gravity = {𝐷/[𝐴 − (𝐵 − 𝐶)]} (1)
Apparent Specific gravity = {𝐷/[𝐷 − (𝐵 − 𝐶)]} (2)
Water absorption (in %) = 100 ×
[(𝐴 − 𝐷)/𝐷] (3)
Where, A = Weight in g of
saturated surface-dry sample
B = Weight in g of pycnometer
containing sample and filled with distilled water
C = Weight in g of pycnometer
filled with distilled water only
D = Weight in g of oven dried sample only.
in g of saturated surface-dry sample (A)
Weight in g of
pycnometer containing sample and
with distilled water (B)
Weight in g of
pycnometer filled with distilled water
of oven dried- sample only (D)
gravity = {𝐷/[𝐴 − (𝐵 − 𝐶)]}
Specific gravity = {𝐷/[𝐷 − (𝐵 − 𝐶)]}
absorption (in %) = 100 × [(𝐴 − 𝐷)/𝐷]
Results and
Following results are obtained
for the provided fine aggregate specimen:
a) Specific gravity : __________.
b) Apparent specific gravity :
c) Water absorption : __________
Precautions: (Discuss
about the precautions to be taken while conducting this experiment)
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