Distemper , Composition & Process of Application

Distemper is a process of applying wash or coating like white washing or color washing on the surface. Finished surfaces obtained by distemper are far superior than those obtains by white washing or color washing. Distemper are available in ready made form in the market under different trade names available in ready made form in the market under different trade names.

Distemper , Composition & Process of Application
Application of distemper

Composition of Distemper:-

distemper consists of a base, a carrier, coloring agent, and size. Whiting (powdered chalk) is used as base and water as the carrier. Coloring agents or pigments are added only, if specific shade is to be obtained. Glue is mostly used as size.
Distemper may also be termed as a water paint, having whiting as base and water as the carrier. Distemper are available in powder form or paste form. They are to be mixed with hot water before use. There is a variety of oil bound distemper also, in which the drying oil is so treated that it mixes with water readily.

These are applied on the surface with the help of distemper brushes which are about 10 cm wide.
Process of Distemper :-
For doing any surface Distemper it Involve the Following Process:-
(a) Preparation of the surface
(b) Applying prime coat
(c) Distemper
a) Preparation of the Surface :- Before Doing distemper of any surface it should be absolutely dry. Dampness in the surface spoils the distemper coat. Holes, patches, cracks, efflorescence spots etc. should be thoroughly cleaned and filled with gypsum or lime putty. If the surface is to be redistempered the old coating should be washed with water and allowed to dry completely. The surface in the last should be thoroughly rubbed with sand paper and cleaned.

b) Applying Prime Coat  :- After preparation of the surface, it should be primed by applying a coat of whiting in water or only of milk. Priming coat helps in developing a good bond of distemper with the surface. The priming coat should be allowed to dry completely, before distemper coat is applied over it.
c) Distemper :- After having applied the priming coat, first coat of distemper is applied on the surface. The first coat should be of a light tint and applied with great care. Second coat is applied after the first coat has dried and become hard.Distemper coats are applied with the help of broad stiff distemper brushes. Now-a-days, distemper can be applied with the help of spray pistols also.

Properties of Distemper:- 
(i) Distemper generally shrink on drying. Hence, if the surface receiving distemper is weak, it may lead to cracking and flaking of the distemper.
(ii) Distemper are available in powder form and also in paste form Powdered distemper are known as dry distemper, whereas paste form distemper are known as oil bound distemper. Oil bound distemper are superior than dry distemper.
(iii) Coatings of distemper are comparatively thick and are more brittle than other water paints.
(iv) Distemper film is generally porous in nature and it allows water vapor to pass through it. Hence it allows new walls to dry out without damaging the distemper film.
(v) They are less durable than oil paints.
(vi) Distemper are generally light in color and provide a good reflective coating.
(vii) They can be applied on cement plastered surface, lime plastered surface, brick work, insulating boards, etc.

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