of bonds in brick masonry wall construction are classified based on laying and bonding
style of bricks in walls. The bonds in brick masonry is developed by the mortar
filling between layers of bricks and in grooves when bricks are laid adjacent
to each
other and in layers in walls.Mostly
used material for bonds in brick masonry is cement mortar. Lime mortar and mud mortar are also
Types of Bonds in Brick Masonry Wall Construction :
The most commonly used types of bonds
in brick masonry are:
Stretcher bond
Header bond
English bond and
Flemish bond
Some Other Types of bonds are:
Facing bond
Dutch bond
English cross bond
Brick on edge bond
Raking bond
Zigzag bond
7. Garden wall bond
Stretcher bond
narrow face of the brick is called as stretcher as shown in the elevation of figure
below. Stretcher bond, also called as running bond, is created when bricks are laid
with only their stretchers showing, overlapping midway with the courses of
bricks below and above. Stretcher bond in the brick is
the simplest repeating pattern. But the limitation
of stretcher
bond is that it cannot make effective bonding with adjacent bricks in full width
thick brick walls. They are suitably used only for one-half brick thick walls
such as
for the construction half brick thick partition wall.Walls
constructed with stretcher bonds are not stable enough to stand alone in case of
longer span and height. Thus they Then need supporting structure such as brick masonry
columns at regular intervals.Stretcher
bonds are commonly used in the steel or reinforced concrete framed structures
as the outer facing. These are also used as the outer facing of cavity walls. Other common
applications of such walls are the boundary walls, gardens etc
Stretcher bond |
Header bond
is the shorter square face of the brick which measures 9cm x 9cm. Header bond
is also known as heading bond. In header bonds, all bricks in each course are placed
as headers on the faces of the walls. While Stretcher bond is used for the construction
of walls of half brick thickness whereas header bond is used for the construction
of walls with full brick thickness which measures 18cm. In header bonds,
the overlap is kept equal to half width of the brick. To achieve this, three quarter brick bats are
used in alternate courses as quoins.
Header bond |
Isometric view of Header bond |
English Bond
bond in brick masonry has one course of stretcher only and a course of header
above it, i.e. it has two alternating courses of stretchers and headers.Headers
are laid centered on the stretchers in course below and each alternate row is vertically aligned To break the continuity of
vertical joints, quoin closer is used in the beginning
and end
of a wall after first header. A quoin close is a brick cut lengthwise into two
halves and used at corners in
brick walls.
English Bond |
Isometric view of English bond |
Flemish Bond
the breaking of vertical joints in the successive courses, closers are inserted
in alternate
courses next to the quoin header. In walls having their thickness equal to odd
number of half bricks, bats are essentially used to achieve the bond.Flemish
bond, also known as Dutch bond, is created by laying alternate headers and stretchers
in a single course. The next course of brick is laid such that header lies in the
middle of the stretcher in the course below, i.e. the alternate headers of each course
are centered on the stretcher of course below. Every alternate course of Flemish
bond starts with header at the corner.The
thickness of Flemish bond is minimum one full brick. The disadvantage of using Flemish
bond is that construction of Flemish bond is difficult and requires greater skill
to lay it properly as all vertical mortar joints need to be aligned vertically
for best effects. For the breaking of vertical joints in
the successive courses, closers are inserted in alternate
courses next to the quoin header. In walls having their thickness equal
to odd number of half bricks, bats are used to achieve the bond.Flemish
bonds have better appearance but are weaker than English bonds for load Flemish
bonds have better appearance but are weaker than English bonds for load walls,
then Flemish bond may be used for better aesthetic view. If the walls have to be plastered, then it
is better to use English bond.
Flemish Bond |
Flemish bonds are classified as:
1 Single
Flemish Bond
2 Double
Flemish Bond
1 Single Flemish Bond :- Single
Flemish bond is a combination of English bond and Flemish bond. In this type of
construction, the front exposed surface of wall consists of Flemish bond and
the back
surface of the wall consists of English bond in each course. Minimum thickness required
for single Flemish bond is one and a half brick thickness. The main purpose of
using single Flemish bond is to provide greater aesthetic appearance on the
front surface with required strength in the brickwork
with English bond.
Single Flemish bond |
2 Double Flemish Bond :- Double Flemish Bond has the
same appearance both in the front and
back elevations,
i.e. each course consists of alternate header and stretcher. This type of bonding is
comparatively weaker than English bond.
Double Flemish bond |
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